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twierdzenie, obstawanie przy czymś
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I certainly don't agree with his assertion that men are better drivers than women.
szczelina, szpara, rozłam, rozdźwięk, rozszczepić się
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My backpack fell into a rift while we were in the mountains. / There is a rift between what he says and what he does.
uszczęśliwiać, wprawiać w euforyczny nastrój
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prowokować, podjudzać
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She seemed determined to goad him into a fight. / Dogs were made furious by being goaded with sticks.
stały etat wykładowcy lub nauczyciela, kadencja, okres piastowania jakiegoś stanowiska, prawo posiadania
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During his tenure as dean, he had a real influence on the students.
dąsać się, dąsy, fochy
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If she doesn't get what she wants she goes into a sulk just like a child.
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You may not have liked her, but no one could gainsay her determination.
przyjazny, miły
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congenial company / congenial surroundings
odszkodowanie, rekompensata
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She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner.
potomstwo, młode, lęg, miot
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The blackbird flew back and forth to its brood.

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