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I wish to fulfill my daughter dreams
nie dojść do nikąd nie osiągnąć sukcesu
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get nowhere
You gry nowhere i think this way
przygotować się
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get ready
let's gry ready for tommorow
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get started
we should get started if we want to finish today
poddawać się/rezygnować
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give up / give up
dont give up yet
pójść źle
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go wrong
i Still dont know what went wrong
mieć problem
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have a problem
if you have a problem just let nie know
tak trzymaj, oby tak dalej
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keep it up
Greta work keep IT up
stanowić różnice, mieć duże znaczenie
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make a difference
popełnić błąd
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make a mistake
you ve make a mistake coming here alone
próbować, podejmować wysiłek
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make an effort
robić postępy
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make progress
i think we making some progress here
nie ma odwrotu
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no way back
if you made a decision there is no way back now
żeby; dlatego; po ta, aby
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so that
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we wilk manage somehow
odnieść sukces
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succeed in
he didnt succeed in sport
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take a chance
we have to take a chance
podejmować działania
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take action
mieć szansę
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stand a chance
do you stand a chance against them
nie móc równać się z
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no match for

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