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zdecydować się na coś
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settle on something
My husband and I have finally settled on the red car.
zadowolić się czymś, przystać na coś
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settle for something
Why should I settle for something that doesn't make me happy?
uregulować rachunek
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settle up
Let's settle up so I can go about my business.
uspokoić się
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settle down
uspokoić kogoś
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settle somebody down
She was annoyed so I settled her down.
zaaklimatyzować się, zaadaptować się
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settle in
Give her some time to settle in.
zgiełk, harmider
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hustle and bustle
I can't hear you because of this hustle and bustle.
rozpocząć, zacząć
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set about
Once the house was in order I set about looking for a job.
organizować coś, aranżować coś
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set something up
He set our meeting up
nastać, zapanować
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set in
Suddenly, the silence has set in.
wyruszyć (w podróż), rozpocząć (podróż)
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set out
I set out on a journey to Africa.
opóźniać coś
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set something back
You are setting our trip back, George.
zdetonować coś, spowodować wybuch czegoś
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set off
He threatened to set the bomb off.
nastawić coś na coś
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set something on something
Can you set the timer on 10 minutes?
zmylony, zwiedziony
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mylący, wprowadzający w błąd
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The advertisement was misleading to the customers.
drogi, luksusowy, bogaty
co za luksus
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what a lush
zwyczajny, szablonowy, sztampowy, przeciętny
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run-of-the-mill; bag standard
wyczerpany, zmęczony
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I'm run-down, I'm going to bed.
pełny czegoś, pełen czegoś
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fraught with something
szok i trwoga
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shock and awe
"This shock and awe treatment is not the best way to go about it."
spać na drzewie
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sleep in the tree

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