4 Personalisation

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Domanda English Risposta English
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the business activity which advertises and sells products
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products sold under a particular name
target group
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a specific group of customers that a business hopes to reach
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to introduce a new product or service
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things produced for sale
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the number of products sold by a company
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to produce, especially in large numbers
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a plan for achieving something
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money earned by a business
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money lost by a business
plan a strategy
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to decide what actions can help you achieve your goal
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familiar because of having been seen or experienced before,
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designing or producing something to meet someone's individual requirements
trust building
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the activity of developing trust between people so that they can work more effectively: The company recognizes that trust building in labor relations is a long process.
to solve a problem or an issue
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to find a solution or an answer to it.
Information access
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is the freedom or ability to identify, obtain and make use of database or information effectively.
to make the connection
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to understand that there is a relationship between two or more things.

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