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Domanda Risposta
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rival - a person, group etc competing with others for the same thing or in the same area
złe kierownictwo
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mismanagement - the process of ogranizing or controlling something badly
zmiana marki
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rebranding - The act of changing the way that an organization, business company or product appears to the public
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underfunding - the situation when an organisation etc is given less money than it needs
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umdercut - to charge less than a competitor
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manufacture - to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines
kapitał wysokiego ryzyka
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venture capital - money that is invested or is available for investment in a new company, especially one that involves risk
makler giełdowy
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stockbroker - a person or company that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people
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business acumen
Kryzys ekonomiczny
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economic crisis
coroczne wyprzedaże
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annual sales
punkty sprzedaży detalicznej
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retail outlets
punkt zwrotny
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turning point
szał zakupów
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buying spree
globalna recesja
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global recession
rozciągający się
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sprawling - existing or reaching over a large area
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tentacles - one of the long parts like arms for example like an octopus
odnieść sukces
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put success
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assets - something having value, such as a possession or property, that is owned by a person, business or organisation

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