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przyjęcie np. wyzwania, uścisk, objęcia inizia ad imparare
get to know somebody better, succeed in creating rapport with others inizia ad imparare
dotrzymać terminu inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
take your time, don't rush
ruszać się, ruszać 4 litery, pośpieszyć się inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
it was made clear to me that
inizia ad imparare
I wouldn't go so far as to say
there are more advantages than disadvantages inizia ad imparare
the pros definitely outweigh the cons
expressing doubt, uncertainty nie jestem w 100% przekonany inizia ad imparare
an extensive action of supplying necessity szeroko rozpowszechnione świadczenia inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
to deploy influence in project, an action, a task etc przyczyniać się znacząco inizia ad imparare
contribute signifiicantly
to be not able to imagine life without certain thing inizia ad imparare
rozproszony inizia ad imparare
when one considers the disadvantages of something wady, minusy inizia ad imparare
stworzyć bliski kontakt, relacje inizia ad imparare
konkurencja inizia ad imparare
monotonny, żmudny inizia ad imparare
deal with and gain understanding of input you receive przetwarzać informacje inizia ad imparare
obligated to take responsibility a task, an actions, for subordinate odpowiedzialny za inizia ad imparare
podwładny (w organizacji) inizia ad imparare
to get rid of something or someone who is not needed wyrzucać, pozbywać się, odrzucić inizia ad imparare
sameone who has ability to complete the certein action upoważniony do inizia ad imparare
to pociąga za sobą inizia ad imparare
to accept a member, or to understand or accept an idea or a piece of information przyjąć kogoś, akceptować, uwzględniać, brać pod uwagę inizia ad imparare
to accept a member, or to understand or accept an idea or a piece of information