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przyjmować kogoś, gościć kogoś inizia ad imparare
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adj - relating directly to the subject to being considered inizia ad imparare
the opposite is irrelevant
traktować serio, mówić na serio, traktować sprawę poważnie inizia ad imparare
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if the picture or sound of a film or recording fades in, or someone fades it in, it becomes gradually stronger inizia ad imparare
v - to start burning or to cause sth to start burning inizia ad imparare
to ignite a controversy / the forest fire began when a spark from a campfire ignited some dry grass nearby
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we traced the lost plane / we traced your carrier and we want to hire you
pv- if water or rain washes something away it, removes it or carries it away inizia ad imparare
the blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight
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adj - nierzucający się w oczy, powściągliwy inizia ad imparare
he is very elegant in an understated way
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n -the ability to move freely or be easily moved inizia ad imparare
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wnosić (oskarżenie) wchodzić na drogę sądową inizia ad imparare
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spending giving or using more than is necessary or reasonable more than enough / inizia ad imparare
adj - very noticeable or attracting attention often in a way that is not wanted inizia ad imparare
in China her blonde hair was conspicuous
pv - to separate something into its different parts inizia ad imparare
we took the engine apart to see what the problem was
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dzielnica Mieszkaniowa, Osiedle inizia ad imparare
być zobowiązanym do zrobienia czegoś inizia ad imparare
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my dad advised me against marrying him
adj - certain or extremely likely to happen inizia ad imparare
chwalić się czymś, przechwalać się czymś inizia ad imparare
it's not polite to boast about your money
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congratulate somebody on something
ostrzec kogoś przed czymś inizia ad imparare
warn somebody against something
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we should also enquire about the backup team
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PL is an international abbreviation for Poland
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the players swapped shirts at the end of the match
czysty schludny / elegancki wytworny inizia ad imparare
she wears smart clothes. a smart young woman opened the door
zgadzam się z kimś na coś inizia ad imparare
agree with sb on/about sth
podstępem skłonić kogoś do czegoś inizia ad imparare
rozweselać, podnieść (kogoś) na duchu, dodać otuchy inizia ad imparare
The boy cheered up when he saw his mother buying him ice cream
wyglądać coraz lepiej, poprawiać się inizia ad imparare
Our business is looking up.
pojąć coś, przyjmować coś, zapamiętywać coś, przyswajać coś inizia ad imparare
She couldn't take in this plan.
finally agree to sth / poddawać się czemuś, inizia ad imparare
She gave in to her feelings. I gave in to her arguments
be tricked into believing something is true inizia ad imparare
I won't fall for her lies again.
wybierać, decydować się na coś inizia ad imparare
I would go for this dress
zrozumiec cos, rozwiazac problem, wykombinować coś, wymyślić inizia ad imparare
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He has been left out of the team.
książka w miękkiej oprawie inizia ad imparare
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czarny charakter, łotr, nikczemnik inizia ad imparare
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don't you hate it when writers bring in new characters to replace your favorites?
dołączyć, brać w czymś udział inizia ad imparare
if we did a group storywriting activity would you join in?
żyć dla czegoś, poświęcać się czemuś inizia ad imparare
znaczyć coś, być skrótem od czegoś inizia ad imparare
what do the letters J.R. R stand for in tolkien's name
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I don't think I have a very vivid imagination. I find it hard to make up stories
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don't use up all your good ideas at the start or you'll be left with nothing to say at the end
wskazywać, zauważać, zaznaczać, zwracać uwagę na inizia ad imparare
why do you point out all the mistakes in the plot? it really spoils the film
czytać na głos, odczytywać inizia ad imparare
the teacher told us to come prepared to read out our story to the class
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she was breathing rapidly
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promise you will never fail me.
skłaniać się w kierunku czegoś inizia ad imparare
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po co zawracać sobie głowę inizia ad imparare
wysiedzieć na czymś/znosić coś (na wykładzie, koncercie) inizia ad imparare
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to make a mistake in the way you are answer or understand something inizia ad imparare
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I think the director took an instant dislike to me
to grow develop or be successful inizia ad imparare
his business thrived in the year before the war
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she concluded that the plan was unavailable with the resources that were available
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to heat or attack someone or something forcefully violently inizia ad imparare
the main or central point of something especially of attention or interest inizia ad imparare
I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention
nacisk, ukierunkowanie na coś inizia ad imparare
rozpraszać, dekoncentrować inizia ad imparare
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how long have you been exploiting this car?
to end a speech meeting or piece of writing inizia ad imparare
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