30 On the road: traffic and driving

 0    22 schede    alicjachmiel
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Domanda English Risposta English
give way
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stop and let others to pass
have the right of way
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is allowed to go before other traffic
jumping a red light
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not stopping at
reckless driving
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reckless driving very dangerous driving
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driving after alcohol
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item you breath into to measure alcohol level
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running into someone and not stopping
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removal of one's driving licence
penalty points
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negative points on your licence
on-the-spot fines
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given at the scene of the offence
exhausted emissions
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waste gases produced by the vehicle
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it can be driven safely
tyre tread
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the depth of the grooves in the tyre rubber
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line of stopped traffic
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crash between several cars
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directed away from our road
towaway zone
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area where you cannot park your car
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fitted with a metal device on the wheel to prevent moving
road rage
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anger between drivers because of difficult driving conditions
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lost control of the steering
head-on collision
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two vehicles hitting each other directly in the front
air bags
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bags full of air in car

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