3.3 IT'S A GREAT READ: expressing likes and dislikes

 0    15 schede    josehbaltazar
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Domanda English Risposta English
I'm a big fan of...
expressing likes
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I'm not a big fan of / not that keen on...
expressing dislikes
I'm very / really / quite keen on...
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I don't like that ... much. I can't get into ... I can't stand...
What I like / love about it is...
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What I don't like / hate about it is...
The thing I like about it is that...
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The thing I don't like / hate about it is...
What I don't like about it is that some of the dialogue isn't very natural.
What I + verb (about it) + be (that) + key information
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Compare: I don't like the unnaturalness of some of the dialogue.
Some of these expressions use special structures to put extra emphasis on the main point.
The thing I liked most about it was the plot.
The thing I + verb (about it) + be (that) + key information.
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Compare: I liked the plot most.
Correct the mistake
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in each sentence-
I don't like opera much that.
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I don't like opera tjat much.
I can't stand on depressing books like that one.
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I can't stand depressing books like that one.
The thing I liked about it most it was the surorising ending.
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The thing I most liked about it was the surprise ending.
Who I love about Lee's films is that there's always a message.
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What I love about Lee's films is that there's always a message.
I'm a big fan for historical novels.
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I'm a big fan of historical novels.
What I like her acting is that she brings something special to every role.
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What I like about her acting is that she brings something special to every role.
I don't get into classical music.
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I can't get into classical music.
Thing what I hate about graffiti is that it's just ugly.
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What I hate about graffiti is that it's just ugly.

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