2_ Life_ and institution part 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
Great Britain
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is a geaographic term referring to the island also know simply as Britain. It's also a political term for the part of the United Kindgdom made up of England, Scotland and Wales (including the outlying islands that they administer such as the Isle of Wight
United Kingdom
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on the other hand is purely a political term: it's the independent country that encompasses all of Great Britain and the region now called Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
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England. SCotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
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Northern Ireland
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England -Symbol
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The red rose is national symbol
Scotland - symbol
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the thistle is national symbol of scotland
Northern Ireland
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The shamrock is the national symbol
Wales - symbols
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These are the daffodil and the leek
Uk basic information
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area is 242 495 square kilometers, population 67 million, anthem god save the queen
POlitical system in UK
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a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
Current monarch
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Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952)
Prime minister of Uk
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Boris Johnson (conservative party)
UK parliament
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1. Sovereign (queen-in-parliment) 2. house of Lords 3. The house of Commons
Languages of The UK
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English, Scots, welsh, Scottish Gaelic

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