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niewykorzystany zasób
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untapped resource
I think it is a bit of an untapped resource.
z drugiej strony (idiom)
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on the flip side
On the flip side, some family members seem too good to be true.
ciągnąć słomki
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draw straws
They drew straws to see who had to work with her.
mieć pecha (idiom)
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draw the short straw
niebezpieczna sytuacja, grząski grunt
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Present buying is a minefield, especially if you are a man.
przyjmować na służbę, zatrudniać
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She's retaining 10 people!
myśl, pomysł, pogląd
On nie ma pomysłu na swoje życie.
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He doesn't have a notion about his life.
włączenie, zawieranie
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The inclusion of all social classes is important in this debate.
pielęgnować, rozwijać, wspierać (np. rozwój, współpracę)
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My parents never fostered my decisions.
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Many people are under the church's sway.

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