26.10.23 słownictwo

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Domanda English Risposta English
same old, same old
‘How's it going?’ ‘Oh, same old, same old.’
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used to say that a situation has not changed at all
(informal) not especially good, ordinary
nothing to write home about
The team’s performance was nothing to write home about
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not especially good; ordinary
nic specjalnego
He had a melodious voice and good sense of music.
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pleasant to listen to, like music
I heard the clock chime. Eight o'clock had already chimed
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melodyjka kurantowa (np. dzwonek w telefonie komórkowym)
of a bell or a clock) to ring; to show the time by making a ringing sound
to embark on
She is about to embark on a diplomatic career.” “Remember these basic rules before embarking upon major home improvements.”
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to start to do something new or difficult;
wyruszać, rozpoczynać (np. podróż); rozpoczynać, podejmować, przedsięwziąć (np. kampanię)
to pamper oneself
“Pamper yourself with our new range of beauty treatments.” “a spoilt and pampered child”
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to take care of somebody very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible
rozpieszczać, pielęgnować
to indulge oneself
I indulged myself with a long hot bath. “They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.” “She has never been one to indulge in gossip.” “She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.”
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to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially something that is considered bad for you
pozwalać sobie (na coś), dogadzać, zaspokajać (potrzeby), zażywać (np. wolności, swobody
indulgence in sth
“Avoid excessive indulgence in sweets and canned drinks.” “The menu offers a temptation to over-indulgence.” “There is no limit to the indulgence he shows to his grandchildren.”
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the state or act of having or doing whatever you want; the state of allowing somebody to have or do whatever they want
folgowanie, pobłażanie
“a strict regimen” “a daily regimen of exercise”
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a set of rules about food and exercise or medical treatment that you follow in order to stay healthy or to improve your health
reżim, dieta
“dressed in formal evening attire”
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clothes, especially fine or formal ones
strój, ubiór
to wolf down
The children were so hungry that they wolfed down their dinner.” (Dzieci były tak głodne, że spałaszowały swój obiad.)
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eat quicly because of hunger
pałaszować, jeść bardzo szybko
to tackle
“They've had a couple of problems to tackle. “The company has to tackle the crisis.” “We have to tackle this issue immediately.”
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to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation
uporać się (z czymś), stawiać czoło (problemom)
to signpost a presentation
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to inform the listeners about the subject of the next part of the presentation
dawać słuchaczom jasne komunikaty, gdy przechodzi się do kolejnych punktów prezentacji
to jumble sth up
be jumbled up: The letters in these words have been jumbled up.
be jumbled together: Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor.
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pomieszać coś, wymieszać coś
to mix things together in a confused or untidy way
to freshen oneself up
“The walls need freshening up with white paint.” “The rain had freshened the air.” “Using a mouthwash freshens the breath.”
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freshen something (up) to make something cleaner, cooler, newer or more pleasant
“unwavering suppor”
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not changing or becoming weaker in any way
niezachwiany, niewzruszony
“a meticulously planned schedule” “meticulously clean” “She checked the painting meticulously for any damage.”
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in a way that pays careful attention to every detail
drobiazgowo, skrupulatnie
to relish sth
to relish a challenge to relish the chance/opportunity to do something to relish the idea/thought of something I don't relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow. relish (somebody/something) doing something: Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.
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to get great pleasure from something; to want very much to do or have something synonym: enjoy
radość z czegoś
to bounce back
“He finally bounced back after the divorce.” “I will help you bounce back.”
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to become healthy, successful or confident again after being ill or having difficulties
stanąć na nogi
In his job, patience is an invaluable asset.” “Being able to speak a foreign language is a major asset.” “I’m not sure if his forcefulness is an asset or a liability.” asset to somebody/something: She'll be an asset to the team.
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a person or thing that is valuable or useful to somebody/something
atut zaleta, aktywa/majątek; cenny nabytek - wartościowa rzecz
to tuck in
After hours of preparation, everyone was ready to tuck into the roast dinner.
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to start eating enthusiastically
to polish off
can't believe you polished off that entire pizza by yourself!
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to finish all of something, especially food
to gulp down
After a run, I often gulp down a big glass of juice.
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drink very quickly
After reaching the peak of the mountain, he took a big swig from his flask of iced tea.
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an amount of something that you drink quickly; (verb) to have a large, quick drink
to work up an appetite
I was gardening all morning, and I really worked up an appetite.
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o do something that makes you feel hungry
to gobble down
My dog always gobbles down his dinner as soon as I give it to him.
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to eat very quickly
to whip up
Don’t worry, everyone, I’m going to whip up a gourmet feast of beans on toast!
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to cook something quickly, especially using whatever ingredients you have to hand
The sauce proved incredibly flavoursome, transforming the mundane dish into a culinary masterpiece.
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delicious and full of flavour
Get a plate! You’re dropping crumbs everywhere!
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a very small piece of cake, bread or biscuit that has fallen off
to inhale
He was so hungry, he seemed to inhale his sandwich.
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to breathe in; to eat very quickly
This cake is so moreish; I can’t stop eating it!
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something that is so delicious that you want more of it
The durian fruit has quite a pungent smell.
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having a strong smell or taste
an acquired taste
Olives are an acquired taste, and children often don’t like them.
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something that you might not like at first but you start to enjoy over time
i put out some nibbles like cheese and crackers before dinner.
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small items of food that are usually eaten with your fingers
doggy bag
Could I have a doggy bag, please? It was delicious, just a huge portion!
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a bag or box you get from a restaurant to take home your leftovers in

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