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we don't have any advantage over them
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nie mamy zadnej przewagi nad nimi
We should have won that game
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powinnismy byli wygrac ten mecz
It was such an awful game
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to byl taki okropny mecz
Things started to go downhill for us
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rzeczy zaczely sie toczyc zle dla nas
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majacy duze umiejetnosci
They knew what they were doing
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wiedzieli co robią
Without a doubt
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bez watpienia
He should have shown a few more yellow cards
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on powinien byl pokazac wiecej zoltych kartek
He blew the whistle
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on zagwizdal gwizdkiem
These will be my only school activities this week
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to beda moje jedyne szkolne zajecia w tym tygodniu
a kissass
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ktos kto sie podlizuje
They obeyed him out of fear
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oni sluchali sie go ze strachu
I helped him out of mercy
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pomoglem mu z litosci
I'm telling you this out of respect for you mum
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mowie ci to z szacunku do twojej mamy
Our current football statistics are good against the last year's
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nasze obecne statystyki footballowe sa dobre w stosunku do zeszlorocznych
Contrary to what you think...
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w przeciwienstwie do tego co myslisz
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I work as a coach
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pracuje jako trener
I feel like the king of the world
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czuje sie jak krol swiata
sit beside me
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usiadz obok mnie
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a poza tym,...
I did my tasks and, besides, it's none of you business
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wykonalem moje zadania a, poza tym, to nie twoj interes
I don't want anything else besides silence
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nie chce nic innego poza ciszą
Are there any issues besides this one?
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czy sa jakies problemy poza tym?
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except from
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nie licząc
I bought my girlfriend a necklace made of gold
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kupilem mojej dziewczynie naszyjnik ze zlota (zloty)
According to my friend, I'm fat
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wg mojego przyjaciela, jestem gruby
The cake is made from eggs and flour
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to ciasto jest zrobione z jajek i mąki
My bookshelf is made of wood
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moja polka na ksiazki jest zrobiona z drewna
on behalf of
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w imieniu
I'm calling on behalf of Kasia Dąbrowska
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dzwonie w imieniu Kasi Dąbrowskiej
according to
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for the sake of
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dla dobra
Let's do that for the sake of our children
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zrobmy to dla dobra naszych dzieci

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