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po pierwsze/ po pierwsze/ po drugie/ po trzecie inizia ad imparare
first of all/ firstly/ secondly/ thirdly Firstly I am responsible. Secondly, I am trust wealthy. Thirdly, I am relable, you can relay on me!
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I won't go with him, because he walks slowly
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She is very beautiful. You looks so beautifully
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He painded the picture carefully
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adjective, adverb. jaki, jak hardly ever - prawie nigdy. wyjatek
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The car is moving, driving very fast
tak trzymać, i o to chodzi inizia ad imparare
Be not hastly in the spirit. Nie bądź porywczy w duchu
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beneath, under, underneath
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I keep my fingers crossed for you
mały pies, malutki piesek inizia ad imparare
Oh, take a look, there is a tiny dog!
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mum-mummy, ola-olenka. diminutive dragon- miniatutka smoka, jakas figurka
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dla dzieci. Itsy-bitsy spider was clamping on the wall
uczestniczyć, brac w czymś udzial inizia ad imparare
She loves to participate in school activities, competitions. You are participating in my class
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Thank you/ I appreciate. I appreciate your help with this project
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I recommend it. Could you recommend me something. Could you recommend a good film. Can you recommend a good restaurant in this area? I recommend that/ the product.
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Congratulations on your promotion.
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I'd like congratulate you on your promotion/awans w pracy. I congratulate you on buying a new car
rozpoznać/uznawac cos lub kogos inizia ad imparare
I don't recognise him ofter so many years. I couldn't recognise her. She has changed. / They don't recognise the pope. They recognise the new king.
Zachęcił mnie do zmiany pracy. inizia ad imparare
He encouraged me to change the job. Parents should always encourage their children to explore new things/ to learn new skills. I'd like you to encourage to learn English
Zawsze opiekuję się moją żoną, gdy jest chora. inizia ad imparare
I look after my wife whenever she is sick.