25, 8A, 8B

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produce a revolver
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wyjac rewolwer
cross the bridge
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przejść przez most
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więzień wojenny
to prove willing to do sth
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udowodnić chęć zrobienia czegoś
direct sb to
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skierować kogoś do
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the dark ages
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a splendid view
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wspaniały widok
she was a stranger herself
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ona sama była obcą
call out
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z zapałem
what speed are we doing
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jaka jest nasza predkosc?
the rubbish is collected
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śmieci są zbierane
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a cold
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a sore throat
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ból gardła
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dna moczanowa, artretyzm
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zapalenie wątroby
(high) blood pressure
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(wysokie ciśnienie krwi
to hand sb sth
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wręczać komuś coś
to faint
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gabinet lekarski
with some difficulty
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zataczać się
greet sb cheerfully
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pozdrowić kogoś radośnie!
i trust you are keeping well
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ufam, że masz się dobrze
a storm
Close the windows, there's going to be a storm.
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Zamknij okna, nadchodzi burza.
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a gale
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a hurricane
A hurricane is a tropical storm with strong winds and rain.
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Huragan to tropikalna burza z silnym wiatrem i deszczem.
a tornado
A tornado is a violent storm with a whirlwind.
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Tornado to gwałtowny wiatr z trąbą powietrzną.
a heat wave
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fala upałów
a blizzard
They lost their way in a blizzard.
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zamieć śnieżna
Zgubili drogę w zamieci śnieżnej.
a flood
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a tsunami
A tsunami is a huge sea wave that is usually caused by an earthquake.
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Tsunami to ogromna fala morska spowodowana zazwyczaj przez trzęsienie ziemi.
an earthquake
An earthquake may be caused, for example, by volcanic activity.
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trzęsienie ziemi
Trzęsienie ziemi może być wywołane między innymi przez aktywność wulkaniczną.
a drought
A drought is a long period when there is no rain and land is dry.
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Susza to długi okres kiedy nie ma deszczu, a ziemia jest sucha.
a landslide
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osuwisko (lawina)
We've prevented a disaster.
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Zapobiegliśmy katastrofie.
Melt the chocolate.
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Roztop czekoladę.
Take a deep breath.
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Weź głęboki oddech.
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cut down trees
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ścinać drzewa
percentage of the world's population
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procent światowej populacji
to be hit by earthquake
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zostać uderzonym przez trzęsienie ziemi
what evidence is there for...
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jakie są dowody na...
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create waves
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tworzyć fale
coastal town
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miasteczko na wybrzeżu
a quarter of milion people
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ćwierć miliona ludzi
The village has 50 cm of rainfall.
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Poziom opadów w tej wiosce wynosi 50 cm.
in a particular area
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w określonym obszarze
the rainwater evaporates
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woda deszczowa wyparowuje
it isn't held in the ground by the trees
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nie trzymają go w ziemi drzewa
part of the solution is
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częścią rozwiązania jest
to plant trees
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sadzić drzewa
tens of milions of trees
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dziesiątki milionów drzew
the sea level will rise
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poziom morza się podniesie
a frightening thought
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przerażająca myśl
over half the world's population
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ponad połowa światowej populacji
an accurate prediction
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trafna prognoza
a report identified the five...
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raport zidentyfikował pięć...
most likely explanation
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najprawdopodobniej wyjaśnienie
accurately (adj)
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dokładnie (przym)
on average
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wynik, zapis, notowania, zapisy
very good evidence
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bardzo dobry dowód
the increase in temperature
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wzrost temperatury
man-made climate change
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zmiana klimatu spowodowana przez człowieka
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pchli targ
furniture is
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meble są
1 in 3 milion chance
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1 na 3 miliony szans
in my lifetime
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w moim życiu
on different occasions
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przy różnych okazjach
toenails, fingernails
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paznokcie u rąk, paznokcie
Your eyebrows have a weird shape. Have you been plucking them?
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Twoje brwi mają dziwny kształt. Wyskubywałaś je sobie?
lightning strike
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Uderzenie pioruna
chest and stomach burns
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oparzenia klatki piersiowej i żołądka
one day in three
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jeden dzień na trzy
a bottle of milk
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butelka mleka
a bottle of orange juice
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butelka soku pomarańczowego
a bottle of beer
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butelka piwa
a bottle of ketchup
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butelka keczupu
a bottle of olive oil
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butelka oliwy z oliwek
a bottle of lemonade
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butelka lemoniady
a bag of sweets
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torebka cukierków
a bag of potatoes
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worek ziemniaków
a bag of crisps
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worek chipsów
a tin of cat food
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puszka karmy dla kotów
a tin of soup
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puszka zupy
a tin of beans
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puszka fasoli
a box of biscuits
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pudełko ciastek
a box of chocolates
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pudełko czekoladek
a box of matches
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pudełko zapałek
a can of beer
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puszka piwa
a can of coke
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puszka coca-coli
a can of lemonade
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puszka lemoniady
a carton of orange juice
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karton soku pomarańczowego
a carton of milk
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kartonik mleka
a jar of jam
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słoik dżemu
a jar of honey
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słoik miodu
a jar of marmalade
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słoik marmolady
a packet of tissues
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paczka chusteczek
a packet of biscuits
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paczka ciasteczek
a packet of cigarettes
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paczka papierosów
a tin of dog food
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puszka karmy dla psów
recycling laws
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przepisy dotyczące recyklingu
to recycle
Is it possible to recycle computers?
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poddać recyclingowi
Czy komputery można poddać recyclingowi?
throw away
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a bit of pasta
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trochę makaronu
no sugar
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bez cukru
enough milk
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wystarczająca ilość mleka
plenty of tins
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dużo puszek
to much rubbish
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za dużo śmieci
hardly any people
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prawie żadnych ludzi
not enough places
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za mało miejsc
loads of paper
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mnóstwo papieru
several bottles
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kilka butelek
plenty of information
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mnóstwo informacji
too many people
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za dużo ludzi
a few friends
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kilku przyjaciół
a little progress
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mały postęp
a paper
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I sat there and listened to all that rubbish he came up with about the company.
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Siedziałam tam i słuchałam wszystkich tych kłamstw, które wymyślił o firmie.
recycling bins
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kosze recyklingu
There isn't much traffic at this time of day.
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ruch uliczny
O tej porze dnia nie ma dużego ruchu.
cycle lanes
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ścieżki rowerowe
places to park
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miejsca do parkowania
The students listened to the lecture on air pollution.
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Studenci słuchali wykładu o zanieczyszczeniu powietrza.

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