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głośny dźwięk, ryk, gwizd inizia ad imparare
The blast of the horn made me jump.
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Fire alarm blasted and woke me up.
brzęczeć, buczeć (np. telefon, dzwonek) inizia ad imparare
The mobile phone is buzzing in your pocket.
brzęczenie (np. os, komarów) inizia ad imparare
buzzing (e.g. wasps, mosquitoes) The buzz of mosquitoes makes me crazy
wrzenie, gwar (np. głosów, konwersacji) inizia ad imparare
We heard a buzz of conversation in the café.
dzwonienie, szczęk (metal) inizia ad imparare
After many hours their prison door opened with a clang.
zadzwonić, zadźwięczeć, szczęknąć, szczękać inizia ad imparare
Bullets clanged against the front of the car, but with less force than before.
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trzaskać, trzeszczeć (w krótkich odstępach czasu) inizia ad imparare
It crackled softly like fat frying in a saucepan.
zmarszczyć, przymarszczyć, zmrużyć (np. materiał, papier, oko) inizia ad imparare
She crinkled up the bag and set it on the floor.
pluskać, chlupać, chlupotać inizia ad imparare
A stick plopped into the water.
plusk, pluśnięcie, chlupnięcie inizia ad imparare
I turned around when I heard a plop in the pool.
brzęczenie, terkot, dzwonek, pobrzękiwanie inizia ad imparare
With a jangle of keys, he moved to the door.
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I turn my head, but cannot see what made the splat.
rozwalić, potraktować (np. prądem) inizia ad imparare
It has the ability to zap objects with an electrical charge
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trzasnąć, huknąć (np. o grzmocie) inizia ad imparare
Thunder crashed over our heads.
załamać się (o rynku), spaść gwałtownie (np. o cenach akcji) inizia ad imparare
The price of our shares is crashing.
miażdżyć, przygnieść, kruszyć inizia ad imparare
That wall is going to keep moving and crush us
zgnieść, rozgnieść, wycisnąć (np. czosnek) inizia ad imparare
Crush the garlic and add it to the sauce.
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I fell and cracked a bone in my arm.
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Squirrels can easily crack nuts.
rozszyfrować, złamać (szyfr, kod, zabezpieczenia) inizia ad imparare
I managed to crack the code, we can use his computer.
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crack the eggs into the bowl
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The tray fell on the ground with a loud clash.
kłócić się, gryźć się ze sobą, nie pasować do siebie (np. kolory) inizia ad imparare
Your shirt clashes with your pants.
trzasnąć, trzaskać, uderzyć o siebie, uderzać o siebie inizia ad imparare
The cars clashed on the highway.
zrozumieć, pojąć, zaskoczyć informal inizia ad imparare
Give me a moment to think about it and I'll click.
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We clicked the moment we met.
wpaść na kogoś (spotkać kogoś niespodziewanie) (v) inizia ad imparare
I bumped into my friend this evening.
wjechać w coś, walnąć w coś inizia ad imparare
I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into the streetlamp.
próg zwalniający (na drodze) inizia ad imparare
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wyjść na chwilę, wyskoczyć gdzieś phrasal verb inizia ad imparare
She has just popped out to the grocery, she will be back in a minute.
wyskakiwać (z czymś); pojawiać się niespodziewanie; wyskakiwać (niekontrolowanie; o czymś) inizia ad imparare
The words suddenly just popped out of my mouth
wpaść, zajść, skoczyć (z krótką wizytą) inizia ad imparare
We were just passing by and we decided to pop in
wpaść do kogoś (z wizytą) inizia ad imparare
He never warns you when he's going to drop in
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They popped fireworks outside the house.
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His shirt popped when he took a deep breath
drapać się, podrapać się zadrapać, porysować inizia ad imparare
He was sitting on the sofa scratching his head.
zdrapać, zarysować (np. farbę, lakier w czasie przesuwania) inizia ad imparare
He scratched my bike with a key.
uderzenie (pięścią) British English informal inizia ad imparare
She replied to his taunts with a smack in the stomach
klaps, uderzenie otwartą dłonią (w coś) inizia ad imparare
You could use a smack to the face.
brzęk (np. zbitego szkła), trzask (np. drzwi) inizia ad imparare
With a smash of the door, he walked out.
stłuc (np. szybę), rozwalić (np. zamek), rozbić, zmiażdżyć inizia ad imparare
She accidentally smashed the window.
naćpany, pijany (potocznie) inizia ad imparare
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zmiana zdania, zmiana opinii inizia ad imparare
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He was about to yell again, when the door whooshed open, and a hand dragged him inside.
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The air whooshed out of him, too, and he sank to his knees.
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knock sb up (get sb pregnant)
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oznaczać, symbolizować (formal) inizia ad imparare
What does this symbol denote?
wypełniać, uzupełniać (np. listę) inizia ad imparare
This is all done in a test system not yet fully populated with live data.