24. Spójniki

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even so
It rained, but even so we enjoyed the day.
In spite of that.
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mimo to
as it stands
The law as it stands is very unclear.
As something is now, without changes in it.
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jak jest, w obecnej formie
applies to
1. This law only applies to married people. 2. This rule applies to all students.
1. To affect or relate to a particular person or situation. 2. (with to) to concern.
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in view of
In view of the committee’s criticisms of his performance, he felt he had to resign.
Taking into consideration; because of.
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ze względu na, w świetle, w obliczu
right away
I’ll do it right away.
Immediately; at once.
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od razu
so far
far we have been quite successful.
Until now.
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jak dotąd
in advance
Can you pay me in advance?
Before (hand)
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z góry (o płatności)
such that
The whole thing was such a worry that I began to lose sleep over it.
Used to talk about the result of something.
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taki, że (aż)
so that
I’ll wash this dress so that you can wear it.
With the purpose that; in order that.
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po to aby
as long as
As long as he’s here, I’ll have someone to help me run the business.
While; during the time that.
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tak długo jak

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