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śmiać się z kogoś/czegoś
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laugh at somebody/something
Dont laugh at me.
nie móc się doczekać, oczekiwać na
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look forward to
I look forward to seeing you next week.
poślubiony, w związku małżeńskim z
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married to
How long have you been married to your wife?
cieszyć się z
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pleased to
Are you pleased about the new tax system?
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remind to
Can you remind me to call your mother tomorrow?
niegrzeczny do
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rude to
Dont be rude to your father.
wydawać pieniądze na
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spend money on
I like to spend money on good food.
nawiązując do, według
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according to
According to the article, women are better...
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ahead of
The car was ahead of the bike.
ssanie, dławić sie
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Try not to choke on the apple.

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