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Domanda Risposta
coś jest nie tak z moim internetem
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my Internet connection is acting up
łamać zasady
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to break rules
obok siebie
Domy były zbudowane blisko obok siebie.
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next to one another
The houses were built closely next to one another.
ugasić pożar
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to put out/extinguish a fire
Co oznacza "tanned"?
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What does tanned mean?
na cały dzień
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for the whole day
(przez) cały dzień
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all day long
ściśle tajne
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strictly confidential
Jesteśmy umówieni!
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It's a date!
To ułatwi proces.
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to facilitate
This will facilitate the process.
Postanowiliśmy uprościć schematy.
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to simplify
We decided to simplify the schemes.

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