22.01 2019

 0    11 schede    Janusz1992
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Your overhead was high, and your net profits were low.
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koszty ogólne
(Twoje koszty ogólne były wysokie, a twoje zyski niskie.)
account book / ledger
a book in which things are regularly recorded, especially business activities and money received or paid
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księga rachunkowa
a book in which things are regularly recorded, especially business activities and money received or paid
generally accepted accounting principles/GAAP
in the US, the rules that companies must follow when preparing financial accounts and reports:
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ogólnie przyjęte zasady rachunkowości / GAAP
in the US, the rules that companies must follow when preparing financial accounts and reports:
accounting period
a period of time at the end of which a company prepares a financial report, for example after three, six, or twelve months:
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okres obrachunkowy
a period of time at the end of which a company prepares a financial report, for example after three, six, or twelve months:
on credit
If you can't afford to pay for the new furniture now, perhaps the shop will let you buy it on credit.
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na kredyt
Jeśli nie możesz zapłacić teraz za nowe meble, być może sklep pozwoli ci wziąć je na kredyt.
negative return
The term negative return is used in business or finance to describe a loss
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strata / ujemny wynik (w bilansie)
The term negative return is used in business or finance to describe a loss
turn into cash
a person to whom someone else sells property, shares, etc.:
Property is transferred from the transferor to the transferee.
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zamienić na gotówkę
a person to whom someone else sells property, shares, etc.:
Property is transferred from the transferor to the transferee.
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the state of having enough money or assets to pay any money that is owed:
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the state of having enough money or assets to pay any money that is owed:
net profit
the money made by a company or part of a company for a particular period after all costs, taxes, etc. have been paid:
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zysk netto
the money made by a company or part of a company for a particular period after all costs, taxes, etc. have been paid:
financial liabilities
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zobowiązania finansowe

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