22 styczeń

 0    18 schede    englishclass34567
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on jest głośny
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he is loud
on mówi za głośno
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he is talking too loudly
on jest cichy
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he is quiet
on mówi cicho
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he is talking quietly
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mama krzyczy na tatę
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mum tells dad off
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mam dosyć ścierania kurzy
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I'm fed up with dusting
mam dosyć robienia zakupów
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I'm fed up with doing the shopping
jest kwadrans po 8
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it’s quarter past 8
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czy wolałbyś być artystą czy policjantem?
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Would you rather be an artist or a police officer?
wolałbym być artystą
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I’d rather be an artist
czy wolałbyś być aktorem czy farmerem?
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would you rather be an actor or a farmer
wolę ludzi niż zwierzęta?
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I prefer people to animals
ona woli zwierzęta niż ludzi
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She prefers animals to people

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