21 The visual arts

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tongue in cheek
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If you say something (...), you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious
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A (...) object has such a high value, especially because it is rare, that the price of it cannot be calculated
Sir Galahad was a peerless knight.
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Something that is (...) is better than any other of its type
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very beautiful and delicate
evocative music. The sound is evocative of the sea.
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making you remember or imagine something pleasant
poruszający, pobudzający wspomnienia, przywodzący na myśl
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having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion
A highbrow book, film, etc is serious and intended for very intelligent or well-educated people.
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(of books, plays, etc.) involving serious and complicated or artistic ideas, or (of people) interested in serious and complicated subjects
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An (...) piece of work, such as a painting, etc. is produced by the artist and not a copy
the visual arts
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the arts of painting and sculpture, rather than literature and music
subject matter
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the things that are being talked or written about, or used as the subject of a piece of art, etc.
op art
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a type of modern art that uses patterns that do not exist naturally in order to create images that appear to move or to be something that they are not
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to consider or judge something in a particular way
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relating to or producing a type of 20th-century art or literature in which unusual or impossible things are shown happening
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belonging or relating to a style of modern art in which an object or person is shown as a set of geometric shapes, or typical of this style of painting
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to spread a thick or sticky liquid on something or to cover something with a thick or sticky liquid, often quickly or carelessly
pomazać, zapaćkać
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a style of painting, which began in France in the 1860s, in which the artist tries to represent the effects of light on an object, person, area of countryside, etc.

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