2021 part 1

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Domanda Risposta
podstawowy model rozwoju
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the basic framework for development
w skrócie
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for short
awans zawodowy, rozwoj kariery
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career advancement
ocena wydajności, pracy
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performance evaluation
co w nim jest w takim razie?
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what's in it then
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mocne i słabe strony
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strengths and weaknesses
cele / cele / zadania / cele
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analiza mozliwosci
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analysis of the opportunities
Wypełnij szablon swoimi pomysłami
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Fill the template in with your ideas
Do jakiego stopnia
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To what extent
W odniesieniu do
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In connection with the company's goals
Plan działania wskazujący, w jaki sposób będzie on realizowany
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An action plan indicating how it will be carried out
Posuwac sie krok po kroku
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Progress towards your goals step-by-step
Plan rozwoju osobistego i zawodowego
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Personal and professional development plan
Częściowo na podstawie
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Partly based on
Po to aby, zebys
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So that
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Get promoted
Ekspert w swojej dziedzinie
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Expert in your field
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Szybka ścieżka w twojej karierze
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Fast-tracked in your career
Na początku
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At the beginning of
Udziel porady, jak awansować w karierze
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Give a piece of advice on how to advance in a career
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Udawać bycie
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Pretend to be
Przegląd wydajności
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Performance review
Co mogę zrobić, aby sobie z tym poradzić?
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What can I do to manage around this?
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Czym się pasjonujesz?
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What are you passionate about?
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Zdobywać wiedzę
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Acquire knowledge

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