2020 10 21 How much/ many 1

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a slice
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kromka; plasterek
4 slices of cheese
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4 plasterki sera
4 slices of bread
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4 kromki chleba
grocery shop
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sklep spożywczy
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a tube of toothpaste
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tubka pasty do zębów
a tube of toothpaste
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tubka pasty
at the TOP of the picture
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u góry obrazka
at the BOTTOM the picture
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na dole obrazka
The ship went to the bottom
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statek zatonął
in the TOP left corner
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w lewym górym rogu
play area = playground
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plac zabaw
at the end of the street / book/ film
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na końcu ulicy / książki / filmu
I guess...
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chyba,...; myślę, że...

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