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Domanda Risposta
find out
to discover sth, to get to know, to learn
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odkryć, dowiedzieć się
duties/ tasks/ responsibilities
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obowiązki / zadania / obowiązki
a boring job that you must do, a piece of housework or other hard or dull job
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obowiązek domowy, obowiązek szkolny
to fail
to not be successful, to not pass a test or an exa
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oblać, nie zdać, ponieś porażkę
certain or fixed and not likely to change, strong and tight
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stały, pewny, stanowczy, niezmienny
to throw something at someone
to make something move through the air by pushing it out of your hand
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rzucać czymś w kogoś
to set aside
put away, to save something, usually money or time, for a special purpose:
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odłożyć na bok, na później

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