
 0    31 schede    marcinpaszek5
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dążenie, zmagac sie, walczyc
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Is it a big struggle for you to get up on a cold winter's morning when you feel very tired?
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Hallo, do you know when the next bus arrives? Yes, it artives in ten minutes. Do you take this bus often? Yes, I take it every day to go to work
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Should I blend the soup?
przepraszam ze przeklinam
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excuse my french
pardon my french
odkryć, dowiedziec sie
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find out
rozpasc sie na kawalki
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fall apart
współżyć, dogadywać się
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get along with
poddawać się/rezygnować
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give up
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bring up
dobrze komuś wychodzić / ćwiczyć (fizycznie)
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work out
natknąć się
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come across
pozbywać się
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get rid of
turn out
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turn out
nie stać mnie na coś
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can't afford sth
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in love
I am in love with you
zakochać się
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fall in love
I want to fall in love
Jestem smutny.
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I feel blue.
I'am down in the mouth
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Out of the blue
Then, suddenly, out of the blue, she said wanted a divorce
nie z tego świata
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out of this world
extremely good or impressive
The food at the restaurant is out of this world!
robiący wrażenie
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imponująco elegancki i modny
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impressively smart and fashionable
Imponujący, robiący wrazenie
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przysłówek, jaki
odcedzić czas
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napiecie (emocjonalne) stres
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This job is a big strain for me. A long running-strain can be hamfull to your mental health
obciążenie, wysilek
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This loan is realy strain for our budget. The strain was very much and Mary passed out.
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lets go
Maybe lets not go to the gym today. I am lezy
ze względu na
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sake of
dla twojeg dobra- for your sake
I work for my doughter sake.
Na litość boską! Boze drogi!
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For God's sake.
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Excuse me, where is the nearest ATM. Could you show me a way to the nearest ATM

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