2. What is the future of the Presidential Debate?

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Domanda English Risposta English
Surrogate (adj)
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replacing someone else or used instead of something else, Because she had no children of her own, her friend’s son became a kind of surrogate child to her
Spectacle (n)
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unusual or unexpected event or situation, It was a strange spectacle to see snow in summer
Consensus (n)
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a generally accepted opinion, wide agreement, They’re trying to build a consensus on the need to improve the city’s schools
Superficial (adj)
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not complete and only the most obvious, not really important, I only have a superficial knowledge of French
To Squabble (verb)
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to argue over something that is not important, They are still squabbling over who will get the big office
Prowess (n)
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great ability or skill, She is known for her sporting prowess
To outwit (v)
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to get an advantage over someone by acting more cleverly, The cat outwitted the dog by climbing the tree
To abolish (v) -to officially end an activity or custom, I think bullfighting should be abolished
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To abolish (v) -to officially end an activity or custom, I think bullfighting should be abolished
Equitable (adj) treating everyone fairly and in the same way, We all want an equitable tax system
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Equitable (adj) treating everyone fairly and in the same way, We all want an equitable tax system

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