2 unit

 0    22 schede    krabik
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Domanda Risposta
program motywacyjny
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incentive program
pielęgniwac / zachecać
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odpowiednie warunki
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confucive atmosphere
realny cel
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attainable goal
wtrącac sie
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weigh in
uporzadkowac cos
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sort it out
byc moze
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o wilku mowa
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speak of the devil
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brać pod uwagę
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bear in mind
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wnosic na kolejny poziom
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to take sth to the next level
spojrzec z innej strony
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to come at sth from the diffrent angle
rozumiec czyis punkt widzenia
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i see where you're coming from
zobaczmy co inni myślą
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let’s go around the room
nie chcialbym przeszkodzic
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I don’t mean to interrupt
jeśli moglbym przeszkodzic
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if i can just stop you there a moment
czy ktos ma cos jeszcze do dodania?
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does anyone else have sth to add?
czy ktos jeszcze chce cos dodac
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does anyone else want to jump it?
chcialbym uslyszec twoja opinie
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I'd like to hear your opinions

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