2 had

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Domanda Risposta
Oni mieszkali razem
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They had lived together
Portugalczycy odkryli Brazylię
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The Portuguese had discovered Brazil
Ona zadzwoniła do swojej przyjaciółki
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She had called her friend
Ja napisałem książkę
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I had written a book
Mój brat zarobił więcej od mojego ojca
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My brother had earned more than my father
Myślałam że znalazłeś tę walizkę
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I thought you had found the suitcase
Próbowałam wszystkiego zanim przyszedłeś
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I had tried everything before you came
Dotarłem do szkoły
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I had arrived at school
Zabraliśmy telefon komórkowy
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We had taken the cellphone
Odkryli zamek
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They had discovered the castle
Kto to otworzył przede mną?
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Who had opened it before me?
On na to zasłużył
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He had earned it
On zgubił swój portfel
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He had lost his wallet
Oni dzwonili wcześniej
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They had called previously
Ona napisała list do mojej matki
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She had written a letter to my mother
Pokroiliśmy chleb
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We had cut the bread
Pokroiłeś ser
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You had cut the cheese
Zabrałem ją do domu
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I had taken her home
Zająłeś moje miejsce
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You had taken my place
Nigdy nie zgubił swojego klucza
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He had never lost his key
Zadzwoniłam do jego ojca
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I had called his father
Oni dzwonili wcześniej
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They had called previously
Poprowadzili wioskę
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They had led the village
Poprowadzili grupę do muzeum
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They had led the group to the museum
Założyła rodzinę
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She had established a family

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