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imperative form
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1. (마음, 영혼) (마음) mind, spirit; (영혼) soul 2. (의식) consciousness
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1.의식을 recover one's senses, recover [regain] consciousness, come round, come [return] to (oneself). 2.긴장하다 collect one's mind, strain [string] one's nerve, pay attention, be wide awake. 3.각성하다 be awakened, become sober [steady], [개심하다] reform (oneself).
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1. be all over the place (=be beside oneself) 2. be hectic
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정신이 없다
Wyłącz telefon turn off the phone.
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전화를 꺼 놓다
Drobne pieniądze 1. pocket money, allowance, spending money; (inf) pin money 용돈이 떨어지다 run out of pocket money
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Urządzić imprezę 1. have[throw, host, give] a party
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파티를 열다
brudny 1. (더럽다, 너저분하다) dirty, messy, unclean, squalid 2. (행실·태도 등이) dirty, unclean, squalid, messy; (음란하다) smutty
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Przedwczoraj 1. the day before yesterday 그저께 아침에 그를 만났다발음듣기 I met[saw] him two mornings ago.
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3.(경기·내기에서 이겨) win 올림픽에서 금메달을 따다 win an Olympic gold medal 1.(꽃·열매 등을) pick, pluck, nip off 꽃[사과]을 따다 pick[pluck] a(n) flower[apple] 2.(병·캔·문 등을) open, (문을) unlock 병[캔]을 따다 open a bottle[can]
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1. influence (on), effect (on), impact (on) 그 사건은 내 삶에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다 That incident had a big impact on my life.
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w pośpiechu 1.(사정·형편 등이) urgent, pressing2. impetuous, (성격이) rash3.(경사·기울기 등이) steep
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1.(방·자리·공간 등이) empty, vacant, unoccupied 빈 깡통 an empty can 2.(시간이) free, available 8시 이후에는 시간이 빈다 I'm free[available] after eight o'clock. 3.(머리가) empty-headed 그 여자는 예쁘게 생겼는데 머리가 비었다 She's got the looks, but she's empty-headed.
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pusty 1. empty, blank 그는 공허한 마음을 술로 달랬다 He filled his empty heart with alcohol
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powódź 1. deluge (큰물) flood,2.(비유적) flood, deluge
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powierzać 1.(물건·돈 등을) leave, put, check (in); (돈을) deposit2.(일·책임 등을) leave (sth to sb), assign (sb sth), entrust (sb with sth)3.(아이를)
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przyjść do 1.(방문하다) visit, look sb up, (informal) drop by[around], (informal) drop in (on)2.(맡기거나 잃어버린 것을) pick up3.(계절·시기·사건 등이) come, (주로 좋지 않은 시기가) set in
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