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make the effort
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to do something that requires some effort
give someone a nudge
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to gently persuade or encourage someone to take a particular decision or action
take a look at something
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to examine somethinɡ and think about it
do some team building
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to carry out activities to encouraɡe a group of people who have been chosen to work together to become more effective and communicate well
go on a search for something
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to attempt to find something
get some exercise
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to do physical activities in order to stay healthy and become stronger
hold a race
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to compete to run, drive etc. fastest and finish first
go for a hike
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to take a long walk in the mountains or countryside
have a chat
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to hold an informal friendly conversation
have a lie-down
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to have a short rest, usually on a bed
have a well-earned rest
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to have a relaxing break that you deserve because you have worked hard
have a sit down
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if you have a sit down, you sit and rest for a short while
go for a run
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to spend a period of time running
go on a teambuilding course
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to attend lessons in encouraɡing a group of people who have been chosen to work together to become more effective and communicate well
go for a stroll
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to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way
give someone help
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to make it easier or possible for someone to do something
give someone a break
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to allow someone to stop doing something for a period of time before they start doing it again
give someone a warm welcome
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to greet someone in a friendly way when they arrive at a place
get some fresh air
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to breathe some air from outside, especially clean air
get people talking
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to encourage or persuade people to talk to each other
get the benefits of something
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to enjoy the advantages of something
hold a welcome meeting
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to have a meeting to greet people
hold a singing competition
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to organise an event where people try to be the best at singing
hold a feedback session
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to have a meeting where advice, criticism etc. is given about how successful or useful something is
make a contribution
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to give or do something in order to help something be successful
make a success of something
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to be successful in something
make a statement
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to say something, especially in public
do some rock-climbing
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to do the sport of climbing up very steep rock surfaces such as the sides of mountains
do plenty of preparation
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to prepare carefully for something
do someone good
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to have a useful effect on someone
take the initiative
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if you take the initiative, you make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do
take the lead
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to be the first to start doing something or be most active in doing something
take something into consideration
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to remember to think about something important when you are making a decision or judgement
have a thick skin
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to not care if people criticise you or do not like you
drive someone up the wall
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to make someone very angry or annoyed
bite your tongue
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to stop yourself saying something because you know it would not be sensible to say it
get under someone’s skin
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if someone gets under your skin, they annoy you, especially by the way they behave
let off steam
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to get rid of your anger, excitement or energy in a way that does not harm anyone by doing something active
lash out
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to suddenly speak angrily to someone or criticise someone angrily
bottle something up
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to deliberately not allow yourself to show a strong feeling or emotion
put a brave face on things
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to pretend that you are happy when you are really very upset
make a scene
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to have a loud angry argument, especially in a public place
get something off your chest
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to tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long time, so that you feel better afterwards
take a step back
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to deliberately become less closely involved in a situation
put things into perspective
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to consider something in a sensible way by comparing it with something else
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someone who is pushy does everything they can to get what they want from other people – used to show disapproval
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if something is tacky, it looks cheap or badly made, and shows poor taste
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full of praise
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not very great, big or expensive
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containing sugar, or tasting like sugar
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liking and admiring someone very much
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a die-hard person opposes change and refuses to accept new ideas
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thinking or worrying about something all the time, so that you do not think about other things enough – used to show disapproval
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making a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited etc.
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not showing much interest or excitement
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expressing praise, pleasure etc. in a way that other people think is too strong
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an informed decision etc. is based on knowledge of a subject or situation
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a meagre amount of food, money etc. is too small and is much less than you need
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not very large or very small, not very fast or very slow etc.
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very great or impressive
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showing in the way that you behave or speak that you are the person in control and that you are not likely to change your answer, belief etc.
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loving someone very much, and show this by your actions
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giving help or encouragement, especially to someone who is in a difficult situation
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teaching you something you did not know before
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something that is flimsy is not strong or well-made, and will break easily
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staying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot
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food that is nutritious is full of the natural substances that your body needs to stay healthy or to grow properly
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small enough to put into your mouth to eat
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processed food has substances added to it before it is sold, in order to preserve it, improve its colour etc.
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used to describe strong feelings that you cannot control
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driving ambition is a very great desire to do or achieve something
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a consuming feeling is so strong that you think of little else
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neutral, safe

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