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Domanda język polski Risposta język polski
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1 aktywne wakacje 2 północ 3 kasy biletowej 4 przez Internet/w Internecie 5 błędu systemu 6 wrócili do domu
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1 c 2 e 3 f 4 a
3 A
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3 1 To my mind 2 recommend a (good) restaurant 3 does not include 4 thought of travelling round
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1 seasick 2 chalet 3 sunbathe 4 staycation
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1 see (us) off 2 take off 3 get on
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1 at 2 stuck 3 tour 4 flat
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1 emergency 2 unhurt 3 narrow
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1 were driving, saw, had been 2 used to spend / spent, had died / died, sold
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1 (in any order) a) Who stayed for two weeks in New York? b) How long did Peter stay in New York? 2 a) Who is arriving tomorrow morning? b) When are your cousins arriving? 3 a) Who always buys a lot of camping equipment? b) What does David always buy?
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10A in polacco
1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 b

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