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鳥居 とりい torii; Shinto shrine archway
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聞き取り ききとり listening comprehension
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根気 こんき patience; perseverance; persistence; tenacity; energy
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寛容 かんよう tolerance; open-mindedness; forbearance; generosity
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際 きわ edge; brink; verge; side; time; moment of
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貧乏 びんぼう poverty; destitute; poor
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過多 かた excess; superabundance
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未熟 みじゅく inexperience; unripeness; raw; unskilled; immature; inexperienced
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神殿 しんでん temple; sacred place; shrine; sanctuary; tabernacle
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名高い なだかい famous; celebrated; well-known
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後回し あとまわし putting off; postponing
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堤防 ていぼう bank; weir; embankment; levee
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遭難 そうなん disaster; shipwreck; accident; being stranded
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浪費 ろうひ waste; extravagance
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抜け出す ぬけだす to slip out; to sneak away; to excel; to break (out of a loop)
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軍艦 ぐんかん warship; battleship
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渡り鳥 わたりどり migratory bird; bird of passage
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土手 どて embankment; bank; beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin
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神聖 しんせい holiness; sacredness; dignity
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窒息 ちっそく suffocation; choking
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お手上げ おてあげ all over; given in; given up hope; bringing to knees; throwing up one's hands
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阻む はばむ to keep someone from doing; to stop; to prevent; to check; to hinder; to obstruct; to oppose; to thwart
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下痢 げり diarrhoea; diarrhea
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愛想 あいそ civility; courtesy; compliments; sociability; graces
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直感 ちょっかん intuition; instinct; insight; hunch; immediacy
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効き目 ききめ effect; virtue; efficacy; impression
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征服 せいふく conquest; subjugation; overcoming
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絶つ たつ to sever; to cut off; to suppress; to eradicate; to exterminate; to abstain (from); to give up
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付け加える つけくわえる to add one thing to another
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労力 ろうりょく labour; labor; effort; toil; trouble
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ドライバー ドライバー driver (of a vehicle); screwdriver; driver (golf); driver (device driver)
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受け継ぐ うけつぐ to inherit; to succeed; to take over
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改訂 かいてい revision (of text); alteration; change
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広まる ひろまる to spread; to be propagated
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織 おり weave; weaving; woven item
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打ち込む うちこむ to drive in (e.g. nail, stake); to hammer in; to hit (a ball, etc.); to drive; to smash; to fire into (e.g. a crowd); to launch (e.g. missiles); to lob (e.g. grenades); to input (data)
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有りのまま ありのまま the truth; fact; as it is; as you are; frank; bare plain
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何気ない なにげない casual; unconcerned; nonchalant
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徹する てっする to penetrate; to sink in; to devote oneself (to); to do intently and exclusively; to do throughout (e.g. the night)
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軍服 ぐんぷく military or naval uniform
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必修 ひっしゅう required (subject)
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無知 むち ignorance; innocence; stupidity
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大部 たいぶ lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous; most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly; a good deal; much
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美味しい おいしい delicious; tasty; sweet
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荒廃 こうはい ruin; destruction; devastation; waste; decay
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発育 はついく (physical) growth; development
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ランプ ランプ lamp; light; ramp; rump
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語源 ごげん word root; word derivation; etymology
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有様 ありさま state; condition; circumstances; the way things are or should be; truth
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水気 みずけ moisture; dampness; vapor; vapour; dropsy; edema; oedema
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腕前 うでまえ ability; skill; facility
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付録 ふろく appendix; supplement; annex; extra (of a newspaper or magazine)
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善良 ぜんりょう goodness; excellence; virtue
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施す ほどこす to give (time, money, goods); to donate; to do; to perform; to conduct; to apply (processing, makeup, etc.); to add (e.g. ornamentation, annotation); to sow; to seed; to scatter
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使用人 しようにん employee; servant
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軽率 けいそつ rash; thoughtless; careless; hasty; imprudent
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夕暮れ ゆうぐれ evening; dusk; twilight
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扶養 ふよう support (family, esp. dependents: children or spouse); maintenance
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奮闘 ふんとう hard struggle; strenuous effort
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議事堂 ぎじどう assembly hall; parliament house; diet building; capitol; houses of parliament; congress hall
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膨れる ふくれる to swell (out); to expand; to be inflated; to distend; to bulge; to get cross; to get sulky; to pout
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唱える となえる to recite; to chant; to cry; to yell; to shout; to advocate; to advance; to preach; to insist
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襟 えり collar; lapel; neckband; neck; nape of the neck; scruff of the neck
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お産 おさん (giving) birth; childbirth; delivery; confinement
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時刻表 じこくひょう table; diagram; chart; timetable; schedule
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標語 ひょうご motto; slogan; catchword
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小銭 こぜに coins; small change
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降伏 こうふく capitulation; surrender; submission
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風車 かざぐるま pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy); windmill; Clematis patens (species of climbing plant)
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内乱 ないらん civil war; insurrection; rebellion; domestic conflict
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料 りょう fee; charge; rate; material
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下火 したび burning low; waning; declining
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腸 ちょう guts; bowels; intestines
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貨幣 かへい money; currency; coinage
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転居 てんきょ moving; changing residence
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報じる ほうじる to inform; to report
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賭け かけ betting; gambling; a gamble
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雪崩 なだれ avalanche; snowslide
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自首 じしゅ surrender; give oneself up
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気品 きひん elegance; refinement; grace; dignity; aroma
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催す もよおす to hold (a meeting); to give (a dinner); to show signs of; to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.)
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不順 ふじゅん irregularity; unseasonableness
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なんか なんか things like ...; or something like that ... (often derogatory)
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反する はんする to be contrary to; to be inconsistent with; to contradict; to act contrary to (rules or guidelines); to violate; to transgress; to oppose; to rebel; to revolt