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What do I need to take?
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What do I need to take?
it's easier than you think
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it's easier than you think
invest in yourself
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invest in yourself
I'll keep this in mind
inizia ad imparare
I'll keep this in mind
will you do me a favour?
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will you do me a favour?
What do I need to bring with me?
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What do I need to bring with me?
just do it
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just do it
I was just about to text you
inizia ad imparare
I was just about to text you
let's talk later about this
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let's talk later about this
I don't want to argue with you
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I don't want to argue with you
what time do you want to meet up
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what time do you want to meet up
I can meet up after work
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I can meet up after work
break the routine
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break the routine
practice makes perfect
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practice makes perfect
Are you free to talk
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Are you free to talk
How has your week been so far
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How has your week been so far
I couldn't believe what I was witnessing
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I couldn't believe what I was witnessing
see the good thing
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see the good thing
now or never
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now or never
Let it go
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Let it go
Less is more
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Less is more
Enjoy little moments
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Enjoy little moments
Keep it quiet
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Keep it quiet
Make things happen
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Make things happen
just keep going
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just keep going
Knowledge is power
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Knowledge is power
very interesting question
inizia ad imparare
very interesting question
open your eyes
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open your eyes
forever and always
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forever and always
What did you just say to me?
inizia ad imparare
What did you just say to me?
never lose hope
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never lose hope
quality over quantity
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quality over quantity
only since recently
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only since recently
straight talking
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straight talking
I say it all the time
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I say it all the time
I googled it
inizia ad imparare
I googled it
I don't know what to say. I'm speechless
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I don't know what to say. I'm speechless
just great
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just great
As I have said earlier, this is
inizia ad imparare
As I have said earlier, this is
I live a quiet life
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I live a quiet life
value your time
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value your time
I'm just going to have a quiet evening at home
inizia ad imparare
I'm just going to have a quiet evening at home
please keep quiet I'm trying to get some work done
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please keep quiet and trying to get some work done
all I want is a bit of peace and quiet
inizia ad imparare
all I want is a bit of peace and quiet
things seem quite busy in the office right now
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things seem quite busy in the office right now
I will walk you out
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I will walk you out
I will be down in a second
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I will be down in a second
save my time
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save my time
I like your attitude.
inizia ad imparare
I like your attitude.
you should think long and hard before you make any important decisions
inizia ad imparare
you should think long and hard before you make any important decisions
if I may I would like to say something
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if I may I would like to say something
could have
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means that something was possible in the past but it did not happen
you haven't changed at all
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you haven't changed at all
I feel the same
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I feel the same
completely different
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completely different
Life goes on.
inizia ad imparare
Life goes on.
Anything will help
inizia ad imparare
Anything will help
All I'm trying to say
inizia ad imparare
All I'm trying to say
set things right
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set things right
It's been a long time.
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It's been a long time.
I have noticed changes
inizia ad imparare
I have noticed changes
Keep out
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Keep out
How long will it take?
inizia ad imparare
How long will it take?
I didn't know. if I knew I would tell you
inizia ad imparare
I didn't know. if I knew I would tell you
turn the radio down I can't think straight
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turn the radio down I can't think straight
think carefully before you answer
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think carefully before you answer
I would think twice before
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I would think twice before
I personally think it's a good idea
inizia ad imparare
I personally think it's a good idea
I have to think ahead
inizia ad imparare
I have to think ahead
think ahead
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to think about the future. to make plans for things you wanted to do in the future
I need more time to think about it
inizia ad imparare
I need more time to think about it
use common sense
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use common sense
think over
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to consider something before making a decision
it's a matter of time
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it's a matter of time
Maybe I'm wrong but that's my understanding.
inizia ad imparare
Maybe I'm wrong but that's my understanding.
Consider it done
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Consider it done
I don't do this anymore. I have stop doing this
inizia ad imparare
I don't do this anymore. I have stop doing this
I've reported it to Garda
inizia ad imparare
I've reported it to Garda
anytime when comes to that
inizia ad imparare
anytime when comes to that
He has been a great help
inizia ad imparare
He has been a great help
Has anybody talked to him
inizia ad imparare
Has anybody talked to him
I need to consult a doctor
inizia ad imparare
I need to consult a doctor
I need to change my way of thinking
inizia ad imparare
I need to change my way of thinking
As I have just said
inizia ad imparare
As I have just said
I'm doing this for the greater good
inizia ad imparare
I'm doing this for the greater good
that's fantastic news
inizia ad imparare
that's fantastic news
Absolutely unbelievable
inizia ad imparare
Absolutely unbelievable
I have been having a great time
inizia ad imparare
I have been having a great time
what is this all about?
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what is this all about
no one has really contacted me
inizia ad imparare
no one has really contacted me
What have you done this time?
inizia ad imparare
What have you done this time?
a big disappointment
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a big disappointment
it's my strong belief
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it's my strong belief
there is a strong argument
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there is a strong argument
Can you tell me what's going on?
inizia ad imparare
Can you tell me what's going on?
there is a strong connection
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there is a strong connection
they have been getting strong criticism lately
inizia ad imparare
they have been getting strong criticism lately
what did you do
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I’ve stopped immediately
Look, I don't mean to scare you.
inizia ad imparare
Look, I don't mean to scare you.
What makes people do that
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What makes people do that
return to normal
inizia ad imparare
return to normal
I'm living proof
inizia ad imparare
I'm living proof
let that be a lesson to you
inizia ad imparare
let that be a lesson to you
You can see it now
inizia ad imparare
You can see it now
Nobody's Perfect
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nobody is perfect
I'm not saying you...
inizia ad imparare
I'm not saying you...
it comes and goes
inizia ad imparare
it comes and goes
he has great power
inizia ad imparare
he has great power
I have great admiration
inizia ad imparare
I have great admiration
what are you talking about
inizia ad imparare
what are you talking about
how has your week been so far
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how has your week been so far
how do you know that
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how do you know that
are you ok? what seems to be the matter
inizia ad imparare
are you ok? what seems to be the matter
I couldn't believe what I was witnessing
inizia ad imparare
I couldn't believe what I was witnessing
I have wanted to do the same thing!
inizia ad imparare
I have wanted to do the same thing!
I have no objection
inizia ad imparare
I have no objection
it's time to move forward
inizia ad imparare
time to move forward
obey rules
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obey rules
Have you agreed to this
inizia ad imparare
Have you agreed to this
I have talked to him
inizia ad imparare
I have talked to him
don't judge a book by its cover
inizia ad imparare
don't judge a book by its cover
lack of imagination
inizia ad imparare
lack of imagination
Have you changed your mind
inizia ad imparare
I have changed my mind
I have spoken to
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I have spoken to
inizia ad imparare
The decision has been made
inizia ad imparare
The decision has been made
I've been working hard
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I've been working hard
How long it has been happening
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How long it has been happening
Back on your feet
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to recover from a difficult situation
I've run out of diesel
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I've run out of diesel
is everything in order
inizia ad imparare
is everything in order
Please go on.
inizia ad imparare
Please go on.
No news is good news.
inizia ad imparare
No news is good news.
Have you had any problem with this?
inizia ad imparare
Have you had any problem with this?
we have been hearing rumours
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we have been hearing rumours
you could have talked to me first
inizia ad imparare
you could have talked to me first
how are things going
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how are things going
I have repaired this
inizia ad imparare
I have repaired this
do you know what I mean I can explain this to you
inizia ad imparare
do you know what I mean I can explain this to you
what do you prefer
inizia ad imparare
what do you prefer
when will it be ready
inizia ad imparare
when will it be ready
did I make a mistake
inizia ad imparare
did I make a mistake
did you forget it
inizia ad imparare
did you forget it
how sure are you
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how sure are you
have we met before
inizia ad imparare
have we met before
what time do you open
inizia ad imparare
what time do you open
what's the matter
inizia ad imparare
what's the matter
what's on your mind
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what's on your mind
when did it arrive
inizia ad imparare
when did it arrive
will you join me for a coffee
inizia ad imparare
will you join me for a coffee
how long does it take
inizia ad imparare
how long does it take
what are you smiling about
inizia ad imparare
what are smiling about
How come you didn't call me back?
inizia ad imparare
How come you didn't call me back?
I can't. my hands are tied
inizia ad imparare
I can't. my hands are tied
I don't mind as long as it works.
inizia ad imparare
I don't mind as long as it works.
I'm not picky, how about you?
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Definitely, I'm not picky either
It has become general practice
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It has become general practice
I'm not sure if I'll go.
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I'm not sure if I'll go.
how can I trust you
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how can I trust you
This could have been avoided.
inizia ad imparare
This could have been avoided.
Why does it work
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Why does it work
how can we make this work
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how can we make this work
how much time do I have left
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how much time do I have left
how come you never said anything
inizia ad imparare
how come you never said anything
how did you know that
inizia ad imparare
how did you know that
how much should I pay them
inizia ad imparare
how much should I pay them
how far have you travelled
inizia ad imparare
how far have you travelled
how come you haven't started?
inizia ad imparare
how come you haven't started?
how do I solve this proble m?
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how do I solve this proble m?
how easy is it?
inizia ad imparare
how easy is it?
how did you know how to do that
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how did you know how to do that
how is that possible
inizia ad imparare
how is that possible
how is that I've never heard that before
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how is that I've never heard that before
how will you make it work
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how will you make it work
what time should I ring you later?
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in the morning is ok
The thing is I'm not interested in it.
inizia ad imparare
The thing is I'm not interested in it.
I need this by the end of the day.
inizia ad imparare
I need this by the end of the day.
this is not going to work
inizia ad imparare
this is not going to work
I completely forgot
inizia ad imparare
I completely forgot
I have certain rights.
inizia ad imparare
I have certain rights.
for short while.
inizia ad imparare
for short while.
Why would I do that?
inizia ad imparare
Why would I do that?
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