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speszony, zmieszany, zawstydzony
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fazed, abashed
It was the first time she had seen him really abashed.
skoczyć, skakać przez coś
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vault over
He vaulted over the fence
sprawiać, czynić
Zajęło mi tylko cztery tygodnie, żeby sprawić, byś był bezradny.
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It took me just four weeks to render you helpless.
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aided, assisted
The ones that accept government funds are called 'aided' schools.
opiekować się kimś
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tend to somebody
I tended to my grandmother until the day she died.
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gorąco, żarliwie, gorliwie
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I vehemently oppose animal testing
męczyć, dręczyć, torturować
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This boy always torments other children at school.
nazbyt szczery
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close to the bone
ukazywać skruchę
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show remorse
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znikać, uciekać (z make)
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make off
My date made off after we received the bill
uciec z ukradzioną rzeczą
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make off with sth
dostrzegać coś, dosłyszeć coś phrasal verb
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make out
I didn't make out his final words
wymyślić coś, zmyślić coś (z make)
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make up something
I think she made the whole thing up.
wynagradzać coś (z make)
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make up for
I'm sorry you had to wait. How can I make up for that?
nadrobić coś, zrekompensować coś (make)
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make up for something
I was absent last week and I have to make up for it.

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