14. La francophonie

 0    29 schede    asiulkab
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Domanda Risposta
je toussais
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I was coughing
la toux
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un arrêt maladie
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sick leave
il vont te dire
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they will tell you
tu n’es pas très malade
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you are not very sick
ils ont finalement décidé de laisser prendre les ordinateur
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they finally decided to permit to take the computers
la haine
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la hâte
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je me comporte comme
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i behave like
ils s’ennuient
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they are bored
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insult me
toutes les personnes qui ont compris le message
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everyone who understood the message
le confinement
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je suis confiné(e) / rester confiné
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I am confined / stay confined
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une radiographie
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elle doit s’occuper des patients
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she has to take care of the patients
un comprimé pour avaler
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one tablet to swallow
j’ai mal au coeur
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I feel sick
mon coeur me fait mal
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My heart is hurting me
avoir mal aux cheveux
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to have a hungover
avoir la gueule de bois
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to be hangovered
être bourré
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to be stuffed
j’ai rien appris
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I learned nothing
j’ai pas vraiment besoin d'écrire
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I don't really need to write
courir à s’en tordre le cou
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run to wring his neck
une sucette
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a lollipop
le rhume
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a cold
être ivre
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to be drunk

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