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Domanda Risposta
tracic cos, przegapic
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pass up
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peeling do twarzy
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facial scrub
uwaznie, z uwaga
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zepsuć sie
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be off
mleko sie zepsulo
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the milk is off
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clever dick
odwolać np. spotkanie an appointment
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call sth off
lada dzien niebawem
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any day now
podrapiesz mnie
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will you scratch me
rozgosc sie
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Make yourself comfortable
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doceniam to
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I appreciate it
w porzadku, zgoda
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fair enough
bez znaczenia
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I am not fussed
czemu nie, może być
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I suppose so
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nie wychylaj się
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keep head down
zużylem Twoje mleko
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I used up your milk
pojawic sie
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show up
musze isc cos mi wypadlo
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I have to go, something came up
szukać np. informacje
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look up information
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nie glupi
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not dumb
nie chce ciebie zawieść
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I don't want to let you down

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