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Domanda Risposta
na prośbę A i B
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at the request of A and B
hurtowo; luzem
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in bulk
robić coś spontanicznie
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to do sth on the spur of the moment
oferta nie obejmuje transportu
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the offer doesn't include transport
miałeś dużo szczęścia
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you were very lucky
profile, które pasują do naszego sprzętu
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profiles which go with our hardware
ceny są porównywalne
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prices are comparable
Do centrum jest 15 minut spacerem.
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It's a 15-minute walk to the centre.
Właśnie to mu powiedziałem.
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This is exactly what I've told him.
Jest pokryty betonowymi blokami.
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It's covered with concrete blocks.
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