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While exploring an old bookstore, I stumbled upon a rare first edition of my favorite novel—such serendipity!
płodny, produktywny, obfity inizia ad imparare
She is a prolific writer, having published ten novels in just five years.
ma elegantszy wydźwięk i koncentruje się na improwizacji w mowie lub wystąpieniach niż improvise inizia ad imparare
During the meeting, he started extemporizing a solution to the problem when his original plan fell through.
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The stars twinkle brightly in the clear night sky.
bzdury, nonsens, łóżko piętrowe inizia ad imparare
His explanation was pure bunk; no one believed a word of it.
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His achievements were impressive, but the level of adulation he received seemed excessive.
ogołocony, bez środków do życia, w nędzy inizia ad imparare
After losing his job and home, he found himself destitute, with no means to support his familily.
obłudny, nieszczery, pochlebczy, zatłuszczony inizia ad imparare
His unctuous tone and excessive flattery made everyone in the room feel uneasy.
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She spent the evening ruminating over the decisions that led her to her current situation.
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Instead of appreciating the effort put into the project, he continued to carp about minor details.
trema, zdenerwowanie, dreszcze, trzęsawka inizia ad imparare
I had the jitters before my presentation, but they disappeared once I started speaking.
olśniewający, jaśniejący, rozżarzony, płomienny, rozsierdzony Zachód słońca pomalował niebo jarzącymi się odcieniami pomarańczu i różu. inizia ad imparare
The sunset painted the sky with incandescent shades of orange and pink.
zamiłowanie, upodobanie, skłonność Ma zamiłowanie do rozwiązywania skomplikowanych łamigłówek w wolnym czasie. inizia ad imparare
She has a penchant for solving complex puzzles in her free time.
dokuczliwy, dręczący, zrzędzący inizia ad imparare
nag - zrzędzić I couldn't focus on my work because of a nagging headache that wouldn't go away.
tandetny, krzykliwy, tani inizia ad imparare
Her once elegant outfit now looked tawdry and cheap under the harsh light.
wyłączyć się, odpłynąć myślami inizia ad imparare
I tend to zone out during long meetings if they're not engaging.
utrzymujący się na powierzchni, pełen życia, lekki, zwyżkujący inizia ad imparare
The buoyant mood of the crowd lifted everyone's spirits after the victory.
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His lack of experience does not necessarily preclude him from being a strong candidate for the job.
nieprzepuszczalny, odporny inizia ad imparare
The material is impervious to water. / He remained impervious to criticism.
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The clatter of dishes echoed through the kitchen as the waiters rushed to serve the guests.
Z biegiem czasu tętnice mogą ulec zwapnieniu, co prowadzi do problemów zdrowotnych. inizia ad imparare
Over time, the arteries can calcify, leading to health problems.
zmienność, koleje losu, przemiany Zmienność pogody utrudniała planowanie wydarzeń na świeżym powietrzu. inizia ad imparare
The vicissitudes of the weather made planning outdoor events difficult.
skowronek, zabawa/żart, bawienie się beztrosko inizia ad imparare
We heard a lark singing early in the morning. / They went on a midnight drive just for a lark.
kratka, drażniący (dźwięk lub wrażenie), ścieranie Stanął na metalowej kratce i spojrzał na wodę poniżej. / Jej wysoki śmiech drażnił wszystkich. / She’s grating some cheese for the pasta. inizia ad imparare
He stepped on the metal grating and looked down at the water below. / Her high-pitched laugh was grating on everyone’s nerves. / She’s grating some cheese for the pasta.
umniejszający własne osiągnięcia, nazbyt skromny inizia ad imparare
He had a self-deprecating way of talking about his achievements.
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The storm denuded the trees of their leaves. / The scandal denuded the organization of its credibility.
ulotny, przemijający, krótkotrwały inizia ad imparare
The beauty of the sunset was evanescent, fading away as night approached.
przechył, szarpnięcie, chwiać się Gdy pociąg nagle się zatrzymał, pasażerowie gwałtownie pochylili się do przodu na swoich siedzeniach. inizia ad imparare
As the train came to a sudden stop, the passengers lurched forward in their seats.
Zawsze knuł, by przechytrzyć swoich rywali. inizia ad imparare
scheme - plan, intryga, schemat, układ He was always scheming to outsmart his rivals.
podnosić coś ciężkiego za pomocą liny, urządzenia, mechanizmu, dźwig, winda, dźwignica Marynarze wspólnie podnosili żagle. inizia ad imparare
The sailors worked together to hoist the sails.
targować się o coś, negocjować Spędzili godziny, targując się o cenę samochodu. inizia ad imparare
They spent hours haggling over the price of the car.
pełen urazy, obrażony, dotknięty Czuła urazę po tym, jak pominięto ją przy awansie. inizia ad imparare
She felt resentful after being overlooked for the promotion.