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Domanda Risposta
na ulicy
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in the street
na Oxford Street
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on Oxford Street
w górach
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in the mountains
na wsi
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in the countryside
nad morzem
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at sea
nad jeziorem
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by the lake
w mieście
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in a city / in a town
na przedmieściach
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in the suburbs
przy 10 Downing Street
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at 10 Downing Street
w poniedziałek rano
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In monday morning
na wybrzeżu
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at the seaside
w nocy
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in the night
w nocy
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at the night
w weekend
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at the weekend
w południe
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at midday
o północy
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at midnight
po południu
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in the afternoon
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in the evening
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in the morning
poszliśmy na spacer do parku i zrobiliśmy fajne zdjęcie
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we went for a walk to the park and took some nice photo
spacerowaliśmy po parku, kiedy nieznajomy zrobił nam zdjęcie
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we were walking in the park when a stranger took a photo of us
mężczyzna robił nam zdjęcia, gdy spacerowaliśmy po parku
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a man was taking a photos of us while we were walking in the park
nie było cię w domu o 17:00?
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weren't you home at 5 p.m.?
spacerowaliśmy po parku, kiedy przyjechała policja
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we were walking in the park when the police arrived
Bawili się głośno, gdy do drzwi zapukała policja
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They were having a loud party when the police knocked on the door
Brał / brał prysznic, kiedy usłyszał pukanie do drzwi.
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He was taking / having a shower when he heard a knock on the door.
spał, kiedy dziecko zaczęło płakać.
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he was sleeping when the baby started crying.
od razu, natychmiast
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straight away
ostatecznie / w końcu
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W międzyczasie
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