11/07/2022 MON-A33

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He is based in Vienna.
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On pracuje na stale w Wiedniu.
Our headquarters are based in Vienna.
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Nasza siedziba znajduje się w Wiedniu.
bike tour
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= to see something, for sighseeing
bike ride
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= to ride a bike
ride – rode
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jechać (na rowerze)
indicate = point out
I would like to indicate / point out that...
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I’d like to recap the main points.
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= summarize
lead to
This leads directly to my next point.
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prowadzić do
bring to
This brings us to the next question.
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przywodzić do / prowadzić do
After examining this point, let’s turn to...
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with respect / regard to
With respect / regard to planning
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biorąc pod uwagę
according to
According to the survey
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Moreover / Furthermore
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co więcej, ponadto
to deal with / tackle / take care of the issue
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zająć się, poradzić sobie z tą kwestią
draw conclusions
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wyciągnąć wnioski

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