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showing feelings of liking or love nie: adoring, na a
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showing very strong love for someone na a, nie affectionate
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to be very close friends and share secrets, etc. zwrot, nie z fire
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similar or equal (to something) dobrze dopasowany
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a person who has the same opinions, feelings, and interests as you
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If two or more people are (...), they are such good friends that they spend most of their time together słowo, nie zwrot
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jedno słowo
get on like a house on fire inizia ad imparare
If two people (...), they like each other very much and become friends very quickly zwrot, nie z hit
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having the same opinions or interests as you zwrot, a nie soulmate albo kindred spirit
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someone, usually your romantic or sexual partner, who you have a special relationship with, and who you know and love very much bratnia dusza
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to like someone and become friendly immediately
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A (...) relationship or emotion is loving but not sexual
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completely in love with someone and always thinking of them jedno słowo, przymiotnik
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having a very strong but not usually lasting feeling of love or attraction for someone or something zadurzony
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to be interested in or attracted to only one person zwrot z oczami
head over heels (in love) inizia ad imparare