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będziesz trenował
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If you <train> 10 percent harder we'll make you a champion.
współzawodniczyć z
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Mark loves to <compete with> other men.
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John went skiing for the weekend and came back with his leg in a <cast>.
stylem grzbietowym
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Swimming <backstroke> is very relaxing.
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He is an <ardent> supporter of Manchester United football club.
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He's a former Olympic champion and the current <record holder>.
zaworem bezpieczeństwa
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Playing squash was a <safety valve> for Brian after a whole day of working at his stressful job.
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If you go deep sea diving you need an <aqualung> to breathe.
graczem rezerwowym
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Despite being a <reserve> he hopes to play in the next match.
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Thanks to Ron's <ingenious> plan his team won the competition.
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Mark's legs were all <black and blue> after the football match.
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The town's best leisure <facility> is its swimming pool.
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I am <determined> to win this time.
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I can ride a bike, but mountain biking is beyond my <capabilities>.
sztuki walki
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He practices <martial arts> such as kung-fu and krav-maga.
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You need special equipment and training to climb the <sheer> face of a mountain.
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They asked me to <referee> the game.
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It was a <brainless> decision to go climbing after hearing such a bad weather forecast!
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The Olympic Games will be <broadcasted> live to every corner of the world.
latać balonem
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I tried <ballooning> last year, but I didn't like it.
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The BBC have the <exclusive> rights to show the football game tomorrow.
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You should be in better <shape> if you want to take up climbing.
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He beat his <opponent> in the final round.
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He used to love to <jog> around the park, but since his knee injury he's given up.
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Unfortunately I bet on the <loser> and lost all my money.
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The <rowing> competition starts at 5.
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In the end we <overcame> all difficulties and finished the course.
rywalizuje, pretenduje
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His dreams came true with him <contending> for the world championship's title.
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David Beckham is one of the biggest <celebrities> in the UK.
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The final <lap> will be decisive!

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