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Domanda English Risposta English
extremely determined; never becoming weaker or admitting defeat
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to stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place
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a way of connecting two places
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the death of a close relation or friend
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an amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought
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a wooden cover on the outside of a window that prevents light or heat from going into a room or heat from leaving it
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the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation
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used to tell someone to stop moving
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hold still
in a way that shows that you feel angry with someone or about something
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friendly and easy to talk to
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If a place is ..., you can reach it or get near to it
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the most important male servant in a house, usually responsible for organizing the other servants
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a long, usually hard seat for two or more people, often found in public places
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(of places, furniture, decoration, etc.) expensive and luxurious
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A ... area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees
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to walk slowly and awkwardly, without lifting your feet correctly
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a state of confusion, bad organization, or untidiness, or something that is in this state
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(in a) shambles
to take a machine apart or to come apart into separate pieces
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a very short time
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(in a) jiffy
a garden tool with a long handle and long, pointed metal parts sticking out in a row at the bottom, used for making the earth level or for collecting leaves, etc.
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