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Domanda English Risposta English
having a very severe effect, or being extremely limiting
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to sleep until later in the morning than you usually do
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sleep in
a very unkind or unpleasant person
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a piece of work
a person who helps someone else to commit a crime or to do something morally wrong
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an unexpectedly successful achievement
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a language that uses hand, face, and body movements rather than spoken words, used between and with people in the Deaf community
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sign language
between average quality and low quality; not good or well
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a statement that says what is going to happen in the future, especially one that is based on what you believe about a particular matter rather than existing facts
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skilled and experienced
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... people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities or if other people really like them
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insecure (feel insecure about)
to communicate effectively
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make yourself understood
something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort
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a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly
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believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it
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great happiness
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to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen
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look forward to sth/to doing sth
careful and using a lot of effort
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to learn how to do something well
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natural ability to do something well
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flair for
very shocked or surprised
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a rope or chain used to tie, especially an animal, to a post or other fixed place, usually so that it can move freely within a small area
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(an act of) keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage
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