10 places to visit in Galicia

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Santiago de Compostela
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It is the capital of Galicia and since 1985 is Patrimony of the Humanity. The historic center of the city and its famous cathedral are visited every year by millions of pilgrims and tourists who come visit the city and its famous cathedral.
You can not leave without trying the famous pulpo a feira (traditional octopus) and the Pimientos de Padrón (traditional pepers)
Islas Cíes
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The water of these islands is as crystalline as the caribean sea. Of course, it is infinitely cooler and only the bravest can swim there. The beaches and the hiking trails are a small paradise, that's why the Romans called them the “Islands of the Gods.”
You should book the boat ticket with time, daily visits are limited!
Cañones del Sil
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These canyons are 500 meters deep. In the canyons join the rivers Miño and Sil. They are surrounded by vineyards on their slopes and can be navigated by catamaran. The views there are a privilege.
You can not miss the visit to the Monastery of San Estevo de Ribas del Sil, when you can lodge.
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Finisterre, according to the romans, is the place where the Earth ends. Cape Finisterre is the westernmost point of the Iberian Peninsula. The lighthouse that is located there is one of the most famous in Spain.
The sunsets in that place are wonderful, try to go at this hour!
Torre de Hércules
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Located in A Coruña is one of the most famous monuments of the territory. In addition to the tower is also the only Roman lighthouse and the oldest in the world still in operation. The Tower of Hercules was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
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It is a small fishing village located in the province of Pontevedra. Its narrow streets are adorned with a multitude of cruceiros and hórreos (typical Galician constructions) It is one of the most charming villages in Galicia.
If you visit the town at low tide, you will see the shellfish workers on the beach.
Playa de las Catedrales
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This wonderful beach is located in the province of Lugo and the shape of its rocks seems the arches of the cathedrals. This natural monument is hidden until the tide goes down.
To visit the beach in July and August it is necessary to buy a ticket in advance
Muralla de Lugo
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This wall surrounds the historic center of the city of Lugo. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and has a length of 2266 meters. During the tour of the wall we can find up to 71 towers.
Monte de Santa Tecla
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Is located in the town of A Guarda. From this mountain you can see the mouth of the Miño river and the border with Portugal. In addition to this, it has a Celtic fort in excellent state of preservation.
Do not miss visiting the hermitage!
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It is a town located in the south of Galicia. Only the Miño river separated this town from Portugal. At the top of the city is the cathedral, one of the most beautifull monuments of Galicia. The old town is full of small cobblestone streets.
The international bridge that connect Tui with Portugal is a obligatory visit.

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