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pisać czarnym atramentem
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write IN black ink
być pokrytym atramentem od stóp do głów.
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to be covered IN ink from head to toe.
poświęcić się nauce języka angielskiego
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to dedicate TO learning English.
dyskusja o codziennych problemach.
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discussing daily problems.
Bez "about"
awesome, cool
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a guy
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żarty (slang)
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That's a good banter.
tani, tandetny
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cheesy, tucky
I love cheesy romantic comedies.
very pleased
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to be chuffed
Are you chuffed to see me? I'm chuffed with my new job.
Mamy duży wybór (towarów).
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We have a big selection.
świeżo zebrane tego ranka
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freshly picked this morning
You can pay only cash. (your answer if you have cash with yourself.
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That shouldn't be a problem.
spędzać dużo czasu w pociągu
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to spend a lot of time ON a train
mieć dyżur na kiermaszu świątecznym.
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to have duty at the holiday fair.
mam wyrzuty sumienia
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I feel full of remorse
robisz co w twojej mocy
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you are doing your best
I to się liczy.
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And that's what counts.
przez samo pokazanie się
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by showing up
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to juggle
to deal with several things
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to juggle
You are juggling a lot.
busy day
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hectic day
być w dołku emocjonalnym.
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to feel emotionally down.
w zaświatach
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in the afterlife
wywrzeć na kogoś trwały wpływ
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leave a lasting impact on someone
My grandpa left a lasting impact on me.
twardy, ciężki
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conversation (slang)
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Prawie mogę sobie wyobrazić...
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I can already picture...
To tak jakby podtrzymywać jego ducha przy życiu.
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It's like keeping his spirit alive.
załatwiać różne sprawy
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to settle different matters
składać zamówienie
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to place an order
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Some sawdust fell out of teddy bear.
uzyskać potwierdzenie zamówienia
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to get confirmation of the order
odbić się
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to bounce
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to rustle
I love the way it rustles.
niedostosowany społecznie
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social awkward
This is the end.
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It's over.
to surprise someone, usually with harmful results.
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to be blindsided
zostać skazanym na śmierć
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to be sentenced to death
Masz ochotę na deser?
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Do you fancy any afters?
To nie jest żart w moim typie.
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This is not my type of banter.
koniec końców, w końcu, ostatecznie
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at the end of the day
Po prostu zgadłem.
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Just a lucky guess.
children nowadays
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children these days
Chcę cię mieć z powrotem w swoich ramionach.
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I want to have you back in my arms.
wielkie wejście
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grand entrance
Jestem pod wrażeniem, jak opisałaś moje własne uczucia.
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I'm impressed by how you have described my own feelings.
uronić łzę
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to shed a tear
szczere kondolencje
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heartfelt condolences
That's so heartfelt!
Don't worry if you're not photogenic.
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No worries about not being photogenic.

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