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Domanda Risposta
to discuss sth
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omówić coś
to talk about sth
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omówić coś
on the one hand ... on the other hand...
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z jednej strony ... z drugiej strony...
this suits me
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to mi pasuje
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semestr, kadencja
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data, termin
we must explain it to our clients
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musimy to wyjaśnić naszym klientom
for 1 month
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przez 1 miesiąc, od miesiąca
to make sb redundant, to let sb go
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zwolnić kogoś
to hand in your notice
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złożyć wypowiedzenie
to hire sb, to take sb on, to employ sb
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zatrudnić kogoś
a three-month notice period
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trzymiesięczny okres wypowiedzenia
we are understaffed
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mamy za mało personelu
we are overworked
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jesteśmy przepracowani
there is a downside to it
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jest w tym pewien minus
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wada, minus
a few, several, a couple of
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wyrostek robaczkowy, aneks (do książki)
to play a joke on sb
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zrobić komuś kawał

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