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wózek dziecięcy
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Mateo doesn't like to sit in a stroller
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this little bird is called sparrow
przeinaczyc/ przeinaczone w
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warp/ warped into
people often warped my surname into Kowal
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give me a sip of pepsi
kilka osób
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several people/ a handful of people
only a handful of people came to the church after covid
w razie potrzeby
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if need be
you must go to work. go on foot or take a taxi if need be
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a wig
people who have cancer wear wigs
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this is my sibling aga. these are my siblings aga wojtek bartek
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when i watch tv series I skip the intro
nie przeszkadza mi to
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I don't mind it
i don't mind the lack of second car
nic na siłę
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don't force it
i don't convince others to change their diet. don't force it
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a widow
i'm widowed
nazwisko panieńskie
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a maiden name
my maiden name is kobel
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to fetch
my dog always fetches the ball
o kurczę!
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i am ready! shoot, I dressed t-shirt on backwards
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my son is bold and he smiles to new people
tyl na przód
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back to front/ backwards
I hate driving backwards
kilkoro znajomych
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a bunch of friends
tomorrow i will go out with a bunch of friends
zdziwiło mnie
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surprised me/ I was struck
i was struck that i want to go to work
urząd miejski
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city Hall
rzeszów city hall is in the center
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in May we have annual family meeting
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in our new home we are going to build a porch
rada miejska
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a city council
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when i learned the english word "name" i was struck by how ambiguous it is
domyślam się, że...
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I guess that.../ I assume that
prace budowlane
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construction works
in front of our blocks of flat are construction works
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instead of
my husband bought cat instead of dog
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sandbox, sandpit
my son loves playing in the sandbox
płytki podlogowe
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floor tiles
we are going to market to buy a floor tiles to our new apartment
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a roll
i like eating roll with cheese and tomato
podaj swoje imię
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State your name
mówić zwięźle
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keep it short
i usually try to keep it short: my name is Ola, i came from poland
warto zapytać
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it's worth asking
it is worth asking the waiter if there is a toilet
kim do licha jest ...?
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who on earth is he ...?
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to pronounce, to articulate
how do you pronounce your last name
mozesz do mnie mowic Ola
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you can call me Ola
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i won bid on allegro
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many people say their names hurriedly
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many people say their names carelessly
nazwac go/nadac mu imie
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name him / give him a name
we named him Mateo
dość niezręczna sytuacja
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quite/rather awkward situation
na razie!
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take it easy!

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