1. Lesson: TEXT Must Simply Face up to it – Vocabulary Study 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
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Pol. wyjątek
It seemed that I had proved to be the exception to the First Law of Timepieces,
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(old use) a clock or watch
It seemed that I had proved to be the exception to the First Law of Timepieces,
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to organize and develop a plan, system
the First Law of Timepieces, framed by the great Jeremiah Quartz as long ago as 1961.
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a ______ machine, system, method etc is very well designed and very advanced, and often works in a complicated way
This law states that the more sophisticated and expensive the watch, the less often the owner will look at it.
on average
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Pol. średnio, przeciętnie
I look at it, on average, 17.4 times an hour."
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put something somewhere quietly or smoothly
a document that had been slipped into the box with the guarantee
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to get back something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you
It said the company reserved the right to reclaim the product if the purchaser's lifestyle did not reach the required standard.
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a buyer
It said the company reserved the right to reclaim the product if the purchaser's lifestyle did not reach the required standard.
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Pol. wymagany
It said the company reserved the right to reclaim the product if the purchaser's lifestyle did not reach the required standard.
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much more than is reasonable or necessary; Pol. nadmierny, przesadny
Possible offences listed on this document included excessive checking of time
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continual; Pol. ciągły, stały, uporczywy
persistently and publicly putting the watch to one's ear to listen for ticking
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if a clock or watch _____s, it makes a short repeated sound
persistently and publicly putting the watch to one's ear to listen for ticking
second hand
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Pol. wskazówka sekundowa
looking at the second hand to see if one can hold one's breath for a minute
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happening as a result of a particular event or situation; Pol. następujący, będący rezultatem
pull a face
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If you ______, you make an unusual expression with your face.
the consequent pulling of faces being inconsistent with ownership of a sophisticated timepiece.

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